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How Can Willy Wonka Transform His Chocolate Factory?


Have you read or watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with your family? Do you have any friendly advice for Willy Wonka on how he could benefit from a Machine Health program? If you haven’t watched/read this classic, please do with your family – after all, it’s the season. And then share your insights – especially funny ones. Based on everyone’s feedback, we hope to create a fun seasonal blog post. Thanks!


  • Brian Fitzgerald
    edited November 2023

    Clearly the ability to get real time insights into what's happening in the factory would be a huge help to Willie Wonka. There'd be no risk to filling orders in the holiday season due to unplanned downtime. the Oompa Loompas would know which machines to focus on and where they could extend production without risk of catastrophic failure. They'd be happier and less likely to get recruited by The Wizard to make the leap to Oz. There's be less negative impact due to spoiled milk or other raw materials. And less negative impact of spoiled children, such as Veruca Salt. When Veruca gets sucked into the garbage shoot the change in vibration and machine behavior would be easy to track and mitigate the potential damage to the downstream equipment. Augustus Gloop falling in the chocolate river? Apart from the ESG impact of having to pour all that chocolate down the drain rather than make candy from it (assuming they did that, or …. yuck), there's the impact on gross margins from wasted raw materials (see Nat Mills' great piece on the 8 kinds of waste in the discussions section). Willie may say there's magic in the way he makes his candy. But the predictive capabilities of machine health are like magic themselves- and far more scalable.

    And if you really want to know how the best confectioners make an impact on the happiness of kids worldwide, look no further than Lindt. They're doing it today with process health. No kids in rivers. No girls turned into blueberries. And no flying elevators. Just great chocolate every single time. Willy Wonka should be jealous. Here's a look at LIndt.

  • Wow @Brian Fitzgerald, thanks for jumpstarting the discussion with a bang. Like Willy's chocolate, there's magic in these insights! :)