FAQs - The beginning.

An Introduction to FAQs

Hello everyone! As part of the beta community program, we want to ensure the community is a valuable resource to you and all Augury customers. Part of this means having answers to your questions ready and available in the community.

We've gathered frequently asked questions from our customer success and support teams and more and are on a mission to make sure you have answers. Our goal? Each week we're going to post an answer to a customer FAQ. These will be posted in the discussions, but also stored in a knowledge base article (See here). They'll be updated as necessary. If you have a question you want answered share it in the comments below.

So! Onto our first question.

How quickly should we receive feedback from your reliability team/VA?

Both the reliability success team (RSM) and the vibration analysts (VA) teams at Augury strive to address feedback within 24 hours. Urgent tickets, such as potentially dangerous observations, are prioritized over non-urgent requests, such as a repair. Non-urgent requests received on weekends or during nighttime hours will be addressed on the next available business day.

If you have questions about or feedback on this answer please share it in the comments below.

