An Understanding of Production Health

Scott Reed
Scott Reed ✭✭✭
edited March 20 in Learn More

Based upon the discussions so far, It seems that there exists a very good understanding of Machine Health and the Augury solutions available. However, there are a few previous discussions I had started regarding Production Health and from the lack of responses, I wanted to dive into this a little more and see if this is of interest to the broader community.

In it's simpliest form, Production Health is the sum total of all the healths associated with getting quality product out the door. I tend to think in terms of the "4 Healths" - Material Health, Machine Health, Process Health and Product Health. (Many would argue that there are actually a couple of other healths called Customer Health and Supplier Health, but maybe we can set these aside for now.)

Whether you break it out in terms of the 4 Healths or call it Production Health, it is about all things related to; conformance to specification, bill of materials, energy, labor, process parameters, machine/asset performance, KPI's and many other allocation, attainment and compliance assessments and outputs. In the Augury world, the majority of these elements as listed exist within their Process Health solution, Seebo.

In thinking further about distinguishing the differences between Machine Health and Process Health (material+product+process), I also tend to categorize between "condition based monitoring" for Machine Health and "event based detection" for Process Health.

Is "event based detection" of interest to your operations or business? What about characterizing events themselves - startups, shutdowns, burn-in, maintenance/turnaround events, shift changes, product changes? And in comparing these events over time, what are the continuous improvement opportunities in the areas of bill of materials, conformance to spec, energy, labor allocation, process stability, machine wear and tear?

Curious to hear more on the needs and thoughts of the Community in this area!
