Make Sure Augury Users are Setup for Rapid/High Confidence Anomaly Alerts

To maximize the effectiveness of an Augury program, ensure that everyone on the team is signed up to receive both Rapid and High Confidence anomaly alerts within the Augury platform. While all anomalies are analyzed by Augury’s expert vibration analysts for final review, receiving Rapid and High Confidence anomaly alerts enables end users to get instantaneous alerts (email and/or text), enabling quick interventions during rapidly developing machine health events. The most successful teams utilizing Augury have at least one user per shift designated to receive these types of alerts, along with other Augury machine health updates.

How do your teams manage their alerts?


  • When I started using Augury, I selected notification of rapid and high confidence anomalies. I have since deselected this option, as I found I was getting way too many notifications in this category. I'm not positive since I'm not an Augury expert, but they seemed to occur many times when a piece of equipment started up...not truly representing a rapid shift while in operation. They seemed to be more nuisance alarms than anything real.

    Does this make sense?

  • Yes, makes total sense.

    Ryan, is it possible for Augury to detect, identify and characterize startup/shutdown occurrences to safely screen these from these types of alerts from becoming a wolf cry?

  • That's exactly the question I've asked too...

  • @Scott Reed and @Kevin Loos  I've shared your feedback with our product organization as well.

  • @Kevin Loos please allow me to clarify, as I realize my original response (now deleted) was incomplete.

    For Rapid Anomolies: this is something that should occur very rarely, but it can be used to detect extremely rapid developing failures. Say for instance a fan weight is thrown from a fan blade, and the vibration changes significantlly in an instant. This is where our Rapid Anomolies can help close the gap between when our algo is detecting a rapidly developing change, and when our VA team can get to analyzing it.

    High Confidence Anomolies: These are a where you can get a sense of many false alarms. This is only to be used if the customer is "data savvy" or knows what they are doing when working with vibration trends and spectral data. Its also typically only used in situations where the machine is either very important, or troublesome and requires extra attention. We are currently looking into ways where we can utilize this feature, but only for certain machines.

    We really appreciate the feedback, and like Sam said, we've passed it along to our product team. I hope this helps.


  • I received a rapid anomaly alarm on a Saturday mourning at 2:00 am. Logging into Augury and looking at the rapid increase in the readings of our new oil circulation pump. When I got to the plant we found the the seal cooling water had failed and was putting water in the pump. we where able to drain and flush and add new oil to the pump. This anomaly alarm saved us from having the pump fail .

  • I receive rapid and high confidence alerts. I have been able to get work orders out and machines repaired before an Augury analyst was able to go over the data. It is definitely something I would recommend having set up.
