How did you Justify implementing Augury?

Terry LeDoux
Terry LeDoux ✭✭✭
edited January 2023 in Ask a Question

I am very interested in others approaches to building a justification for predictive maintenance and specifically Augury?

I am most interested in how others developed baseline measurements and success factors. Did you use historical data regarding unplanned outages or other? How did you track the value of Augury post implementation?



  • What I have seen is that first level of justification is the unplanned time, before and after. Also spare parts and labor savings. However, there is significant value on the replacement of manual sensing and in moving from planned and preventing to predictive systems as well. And a third layer of savings when evaluating the impact on the process in areas like waste, quality and service levels.

    Good question on the post implementation tracking, beyond the Augury reports. I guess it will depend on the factory controls but interested as well to hear other experiences.

  • Great questions Terry! I think Alvaro summed it up well, especially that third level that includes service to the customer.

    I also like the call out on success factors. I think too often we get technically caught up in solving the problem that we know what it looks like when it's fixed but have we really given thought as to what fixed means? What does success look like? Have we taken the fix to a desired, achievable end point? Sometimes this comes in phases as experiences allow and learnings are shared. Benchmarking exercises are a great place to start.
