Enhance Your Machine Reliability with Accurate Metadata

🚀 Unlock the Power of Machine Metadata! 🚀

Ever wondered about the true value of machine metadata? Our latest video dives deep into this essential topic, highlighting how up-to-date and accurate metadata can significantly enhance the diagnostic and reliability insights of your machines. Here’s a quick summary of what you’ll learn:

🛠 Why Machine Metadata Matters:

  • Improved Diagnostics: Accurate metadata helps Augury’s reliability experts (like me) and machine learning algorithms understand your machines better, enabling early fault detection and timely notifications.
  • Key Components: Includes machine images, data like make and model, configuration details, speeds, and bearing numbers.

📈 Steps to Improve Your Machine Metadata:

  1. Update Images: Ensure clear, comprehensive images of your machines are available, including all relevant components and sensor locations.
  2. Check Metadata Accuracy: Verify that all machine configuration details are accurate, noting differences in components such as sheave sizes and bearing part numbers.
  3. Use Additional Information Fields: Don’t forget to utilize the “Additional Information” text field for any other critical details.

🔧 How to Update Machine Metadata:

  • Navigate to the machine page and expand the machine and IoT information section.
  • Use the three-dots menu to select Edit and update the necessary fields or upload new images.
  • Save your changes and verify the data.

🎥 Watch the Full Video for Detailed Guidance:

Join the conversation! After watching, share your thoughts or questions in the comments below. Let's work together to keep your machines running smoothly and reliably.


  • JoeDillenburg
    JoeDillenburg ✭✭
    edited August 12

    Great video.

    I want to make our machine metadata as accurate as possible, but I am having trouble figuring out some the fields. Does "Orientation" refer to the machine, the motor mounting, the driven shaft, the Endpoint, or something else? What are the criteria for the different "Machine Specific Type" choices? How can I make sure I have selected the right type for my machine?

    I need to know that we are on the same page. I have worked with many technicians and maintenance professionals, and they often will describe the same machine using different terms. It would be great to have a glossary or some other reference that both the customers and the team at Augury can reference to ensure we are talking about the same things. Working remotely and asynchronously requires complex communication and misunderstandings can lead to a lot of extra work and expense.

    Thank you.

  • Joe, thank you very much for the great follow up.

    Machine orientation refers to the design relative to the rotating shaft, there are only two options: horizontal and vertical. Separate from this is the sensor orientation, which is configured in the Halo Installation app or on the web platform via "Endpoints mapping" tool on the machine page; the sensor orientation is aligned by the Z and X axes on the sensor.

    Additionally, you make a great point about the terminology. One thing that can be leveraged is the custom naming by bearing. Within "Endpoints mapping" tool, a user specified name can be provided to each bearing to help note the location and application of the bearing.
