Bringing Process Health to your Organization

Chris Dobbrow
edited March 20 in Learn More

You probably have some understanding of process health, but here’s our definition: 

Process health uses hybrid intelligence–a combination of AI and process experts–to find and prevent inefficiencies and to optimize production output in key areas such as quality, yield, throughput, waste, and energy. (You can find more details here.) 

You may recall that Augury acquired an AI-based process intelligence solution called Seebo in May 2022. A lot has happened since then as we advance toward Production Health capabilities. 

Many of you may be interested in bringing process health to your organization, so we put together three self-assessment questions that will help you determine if process health is right for you. 

A. Is your use case a good match? 

Before implementing any solution, you need to ensure that it can meet your needs. Augury’s Process Health solution is most suited for addressing the following sub-processes: 

  • Separation and distillation 
  • Extrusion
  • Packaging
  • Heating/drying
  • Filling/molding
  • Oven/Baking
  • Glass blowing

We work most frequently with the following industries: 

  • Food & Beverage
  • Pet food
  • Building materials, glass, cement 
  • Oil & gas
  • Chemical, metals, paper
  • Baking, dairy, chocolate refining 

If your process isn’t listed here, but is a continuous running process, and you want to know if our Process Health solution is a good fit, reach out in the comments below or to your customer success manager!

B. What do you want to optimize for? 

Our Process Health solution will be able to help you answer the questions: 

  • When and why are we running efficiently and why? 
    • Process Health will help you monitor and understand the primary causes of your efficiency. 
  • What is our best centerline?
    • Process Health will help you discover and apply your optimal operational ranges.
  • How can we optimize our performance in near real-time?
    • Process Health will help you optimize  process settings in near real-time.

The answers to those questions will help you improve quality and yield while reducing waste, energy use, and emissions

C. Is your data prepared? 

Process Health can help you accomplish the business objectives listed above as long as we can determine a baseline from your existing data. For example, if you want to improve yield we need to understand what your current yield is. 

If your data is available, but not structured in a way that can be clearly understood, we can help you identify the baselines for your business objectives. We cannot measure manually collected data and will need some form of operational data system (i.e., Historian, MES, Data Lake, etc) in place in order to be successful.

If you currently don't have a data collection system or want to learn more about how we look at your data safely, we will be happy to set you up with our technical team to learn more.


You’ve answered the self-assessment questions–now what? Comment below with any questions you may have and let's have a conversation and see how Process Health could work at your plant!



  • Scott Reed
    Scott Reed ✭✭✭

    Thank you Chris for this post on Process Health. I have a decade of experience in deploying and utilizing Process Health solutions and would be glad to support Chris and provide additional insights to those who may be interested.
