What causes and what to do about Resonance
Check out my latest article on resonance here.
In summary, resonance is a naturally occurring physical reaction that occurs between the natural frequency of a structure and the forcing frequency of the rotating equipment.
These frequencies exist in all rotating equipment and only become a problem when they align and cause vibration amplitudes that increase the stress on the equipment’s components. It can be complicated to identify and correct due to the multiple components and multiple frequencies that exist for each component.
When resonant faults are identified, it is important to correct them to avoid overstressing the equipment. This continuous stress for long duration run times eventually leads to repeat failures with no obvious root cause.
How have you identified and corrected resonance?
Where resonance is suspected, conducting a running bump test can tell you exactly where your resonant frequency is and if your equipment is operating at that frequency. Isolating, stiffening and reengineering structures, bases, mounts and even mounting bolts have all been successful fixes.