Pick the Right Product Offering

In this article I will be focusing on the Machine Health Portfolio.

Halo CR (Critical), as the name suggests, is meant for critical equipment at the plant. It's perfect for rotating assets, which do not have redundancy. Failure could cause unplanned downtime or safety, environmental, or quality concerns. Halo provides 24/7 data collection utilizing a wireless “endpoint” which fuses multiple sensing technologies specifically designed to optimize remote collection.

For non-critical rotating assets we have our Halo SE (Supporting Equipment) offering. It utilizes the same hardware as Halo CR but by transmitting less data and removing the services of our Vibration Analysts we are able to offer a less expensive solution for these machines which are more difficult to justify monitoring. With SE, the algorithm detections which normally go to our Vibration Analyst Team go direct to you and the spectrum and time waveform are unavailable. This may sound daunting, but our Product Team has developed a wizard to help guide you through the detection review and make the decision whether or not to take further action. Our Reliability Success Team is still available to answer any questions you may have about these machines and our fault detector algorithms are active for decision support. 

Halo SE may be the right solution for non critical machines where knowing exactly the root cause of a fault condition is less important. When it’s a 1 horsepower motor direct driving a centrifugal pump, maybe you’re going to replace the motor and rebuild the pump regardless of whether the fault is bearing wear or electrical. Halo SE will still offer the benefits of 24/7 remote monitoring allowing you to better plan your maintenance activities by making data-driven decisions and eliminating the need to manually collect data, especially in difficult to access locations. 

But sometimes even Halo SE isn’t cost justified or doesn’t make sense for a particular machine. Fire pumps or generators which only run for a brief monthly test run are a good example. They are absolutely the definition of critical machines but they run so briefly and infrequently that they may not get captured by Halo’s recordings. Enter the Auguscope! It’s our portable, handheld unit which attaches to your smartphone or tablet and captures data on demand. Armed with the Auguscope the maintenance technician who is performing the test runs can take a recording while the machine is running and get a diagnostic result from Augury, giving them confidence the machine will be able to perform its job when it’s needed. The Auguscope is the perfect solution for highly intermittent-running critical machines or machines of extremely low criticality.  

We have designed a portfolio of products which attempt to match the solution and price to the need. Choose Halo CR for white-glove service, with the most specific diagnostics, on the machines which matter most. Choose Halo SE for machines which aren’t as critical but run regularly and where remote data collection and condition monitoring are valued. Choose Auguscope for machines where manual data collection is possible and either the criticality is extremely low or the criticality is extremely high but the machine runs intermittently.  Armed with these options all of your rotating assets can be protected.  



  • Scott Reed
    Scott Reed ✭✭✭

    Great post explaining the options available. Too often the highly critical but infrequently utilized safety assets are not accommodated or simply ignored. By having these options all under one platform provides the capability for reliability and asset administrators to manage cost and focus the service needs on what's most important at any given time.

  • Thanks for the comment, Scott. Yes, my understanding is that when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, many of the flood pumps failed when they were desperately needed.
