Reevaluating Augury Monitored Machines Time Based Maintenance Plans

Once an Augury program has been implemented at a facility and has gotten to a mature state, it's important to consider reevaluating any past machine health strategies that may have been implemented, such as time-based PMs, that involve replacing components at a certain interval. Of course, we cannot eliminate the need for all PMs. There will always be a need for things like lubrication, filter changes, inspections, etc. However it likely no longer makes sense to replace machine components on a time-based interval now that you have Augury monitoring the machine's health constantly.

With Augury's AI-driven diagnostics, you can be certain that we now have continuous visibility into the health of the machine. That being the case, instead of replacing at random pre-determined times, we can now replace machine components only when the data demands it.

PM optimization is something that should not be done hastily, and Augury's RSM team (assigned to each account) can help to identify potential enhancements that can be made to the current PM plans for each monitored machine. Continuous diagnostic insights enable us to eliminate unnecessary component replacements which ultimately saves money for your facility!


  • Spot on Ryan! AI-driven diagnostics and predictive maintenance has a significant impact in the entire PM / AM / FI program and is important to reevaluate accordingly to simplify no longer relevant practices and maximize the benefits.

    24/7 sensing, automatic alerts, replacement parts on demand, increased visibility across are some of the main features of AI-Predictive maintenance and each one will simplify and improve the way we manage Maintenance as maturity level is reached.
