How can Machine/Process Health drive improvements in Engineering Design?

Terry LeDoux
Terry LeDoux ✭✭✭
edited March 20 in Learn More

Looking for input across Augury sites/users to better understand the potential benefit Machine/Process Health in engineering/process design improvements. Many of us have been Augury users for several years (with like equipment and or processes across multiple sites) where Augury devices and tools have identified potential failures. Has anyone made the larger data leap (using data provided by within the Augury data set) to review common failures that can be designed out of the machine or process?

If so can you provide detail to your starting point in the data and what patterns you were looking for?

How was engineering involved?

How was production/process design involved?

Did this drive a change or increase in BDA practices at your sites?

Did this drive any changes in design practices?

Thanks everyone for the help.
